Sunday, 10 April 2011

Unused Photo's

These are my own photo's I took when I went to a concert, These are the unused photo's that I was going to use for my magazine but have decided not to instead. I have used some of the other photo's in my contents page and one on the front cover but not on the actual front cover.

Friday, 1 April 2011


I have created a questionnaire to get some audience feedback and this is the questionnaire I made. I asked questions relating to my magazine to get real figures about what the Target audience like to listen to and I asked if they like the magazine I created.

I also didnt just write down answers, I asked them formally too to get a bigger and broader answer.

These are the questions I asked, and the answers I got from people.
I asked...

1.Out of these artists, which would you like to see in concert the most?
- Rihanna
- Katy Perry
- Jessie J
- Lady Gaga
The results was...
Rihanna = 10/20people
Katy Perry = 5/20people
Jessie J = 1/20people
Lady Gaga = 4/20people

After doing this reasearch I made sure that the competition was to see Rihanna as she is the most popular female artist that would attract people to buy the magazine.

2.Does My Magazine Look Different To Other Magazines?
- Yes 14/20
- No 6/20
This shows that people think the magazine would stand out because if they think its different then they will buy it, no ones wants to buy a magazine that's already out there.

3.Do You Like The Colour Scheme & Font Choice?
- Yes 10/20
- No 10/20
Some details included that they liked the colour scheme within the front but didn't think that there was enough colour of the magazine its self, it mainly had colour on the contents page and even then it wasn't enough

4.Do you have either a Facebook or Twitter account?
- Yes 19/20
- No 1/20
This shows that nearly everyone accept from one person has access to the Internet, either on there computer or their phone, so they can access the magazine website.

5.Do the pictures work well with the magazine genre (Pop/Indie)
This was made an open question so people could just answer
4 out of the 20 people simply just gave the one word answer yes, someone else said that it was lacking in photo's as there was only one photo and a few brushes on the front cover, also the same in the double page spread. 7 people said that they knew instantly it was a indie magazine due to the guitar in the picture. Also because of the clothes that the model was wearing, they lnew what genre it was.

6.Do you like the handwirtten effect on the magazine?
14 People said yes they do like it,
5 People said no and 1 person said its okay.

This means that the majority of people do like this effect, this is why I stook to it, and did it throughout.

7.Is the price reasonable? Would you buy it on a monthly basis?
- Yes 17
- No 3
When I talked to the people in person they said that they could afford it because its monthly but they couldnt if it was weekly, as £3.50 is expensive, but a month its fine, they also thought that music magazines now are over priced, and when you go into stores like WHSmith that they dont have any cheap ones.

8.Would you buy this magazine?
I thought that id ask a really broud question then this way I can get some qualatative reasearch, and get different opinions.

Most People did say Yes, one girl said that the magazine was something she'd never seen before and she would love to see something like this on an app or on a website, as there are aspects of the magazine that can be brodend out like to be made into other things like a web magazine.

A lot of the people asked just said Yes, a couple said no, I was expecting a lot better answers die to asking a broad question but in the end I never really got them.

Another person said that they wouldnt buy the magazine because they dont like the genre of music, which is understandable, and this was only one person, I did this magazine to certain people, and the person asked wasnt a female of the age 16-25, so I did this just to test if different people would buy the magazine.

9.Would this magazine stand out to you on a shelf in a shop?
"This magazine would stand out to me because other music magazines are different to this one and because its new of course it would stand out and make you want to flick through the pages" said one girl I asked in my questionaire.

Somebody said no because there wasnt enough colour on the front page, but I thought what about Kerrang which usually has sterotypical colours of black, white & red? These colours are dark and dont really stand out.

10. Have you seen a magazine like this in the shops or on shelves before?
All of the people asked said that they have never seen a magazine like this before, which I thought was really good, means that my magazine must stand out to people, if my magazine looked the same as everyone elses, no one would want to buy it.