Monday, 7 March 2011


Both of these contents page drafts were done on publisher

This is a contents page that I did on publisher, this is just to help me design mine when it comes to the real thing. I want my contents page to be similar to this but more detailed and a lot better. This is just a rough draft. I like the numbers at the side as it makes it easy for the audience to navigate their way through the magazine. I like where the pictures are located as they show an image with a number next to them also making it easy for the audience to know what page to go to, and thats what a contents page is all about, knowing what page to go to, to see the article you want to read. I made the 'Article' writing big as this will be the title of an article and the description in a bright pink as it stands out and tells a little detail of what would be on that page. There is also a contact us section as it is easy to see and in lots of magazine they have this on the contents page. I think when it comes to deisgning my real contents page, I will make it more colourfull, but the layout to me is fine and will definantly do something like this.

I like this contents page, and am definantly going to produce something similar to this in my final one. I think its edgy and easy to see, its modern and will catch the eye of the audience which is 16-25 year olds. I like the pattern and the colours that match it, the only problem being that the colour scheme is mainly targetted for girls. Im not keen on the layout of the contents page, I think that its too formal and needs to be jazzed up abit. It also doesnt contain much wiritng or information so it just looks to simple. If it was much more complex and had more writing then this would look much more professional but because it doesnt, It needs more work.

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