Saturday, 4 December 2010

Target Audience

All types of magazines have a target audience, this is what they think of when the are writing and publishing the magazine. Some magazines think about a younger audience around the ages of 5-15, some think about 18-25 year old and other magazine think about older people 40+. The target audience also doesn't just have to be about age, it can be gender (Male or Female) or even income or employment, which is shown by letters, A is the type of people earning the most and E been the people who earn the least

A-  Upper Middle Class (Doctors and Lawyers)
B-  Middle Class (Teachers and Police)
C1-  Lower Middle Class
C2-  Skilled Working Class (Builders)
D- Working Class (Shop Workers)
E- Underclass (Students and the unemployed)

By doing some research on other magazines, I will be able to see which target audience is the best suited for my music magazine.

This magazine is an American fashion/music magazine called 'Teen Vogue'. Its pretty obvious who there target audience is, as it even says in the name of the magazine, but there are other aspects of the audience they do cover. Since the cover star is Justin Bieber, not many boys will think of buying the magazine, so in this case girls are more of the target audience, also older people don't really like or even know Justin Bieber, so people around the age of 40+ will not buy this magazine. The price of the magazine is $2.99 and in pounds that is £1.89 ( so this is a reasonable price for teenagers to pay for a magazine as its not too expensive but still enough money for the magazine to make a profit. There are also cover stars who feature on the front of the magazine like Selena Gomez and Nikki Read, who also are teenage stars, so its very obvious who this magazine is for and they don't make it confusing. Even the language they use is more suitable for that target audience, words like 'Cute' wouldn't be seen on a magazine targeted at older people.

This is an English radio/TV magazine. The target audience for this magazine is older people, people around the ages of 35+. This is because they feature articles and stories about programmes and radio channels that younger people wouldn't even listen or watch. The feature on this magazine is Gail from Coronation Street, which is 50years of corrie. Older people will be more interested in this then younger people as they wasn't even born then, older people tend to watch coronation street too. The price even though not stated on this magazine is £1.10. This is a weekly magazine, and its affordable to the older people, people who don't have enough money to pay for the more expensive magazines, no matter what job you are in, you could probably afford this magazine. Radio is also something that most older people listen to, especially stations like Radio 2, younger people listen to stations like Galaxy and Radio1. Gender doesn't matter on this magazine as both females and males buy it.

Nylon Guys is an American magazine. The target audience for this magazine is Males, it says in the name of the magazine Guys, so this is obvious to the readers and it even says in the font not for girls, although in cases like this girls might buy the magazine due to the cover star being Zac Efron. The age is 18+, as the magazine can sometimes contain explicit material. The cost of the magazine is $3.99 but in English pounds that's £2.53 ( this is an okay price to pay and most people wouldn't find this expensive, as most magazines are this price now. The cover stories also fit the needs of men and wouldnt suit women. I think it doesnt matter what job you are in to buy this magazine too, as it still okay to read for the rich or poor.

Artists that suit a certain target audience
Many music artists have an audience that like them more than any other, some girls like an artist more than boys do and some older people like an artist that younger people do, by doing some reasearch on what age/gender and social class people like, i'll be able to find out what I should put into my magazine to suit the needs of my target audience.

This reasearch is sterotyped (so what I think people this age would listen to) and is not all what people like, I have done what I think is the most popular and to what my own taste is.

People this age mainly listen to recent music, music thats in the charts and what most people like. There is a small percentage that listen to old music, but that percentage is very small. Artists like Lady Gaga, are what people listen to, boys and girls. There are many types of Genres too what this age range like, it could be Rock (Paramore), or even Country (Taylor Swift). People this age are willing to look up and research new artists and look them up to see when there album is coming out or when there doing a tour. The artists on the left are very popular now too (Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and The Black Eyed Peas) so these will be the people who will be feautured in most magazines now and there the people who's music will be on the radio and on the TV. If you dont put a recent or popular artist in your magazine then the target audience wont buy the magazine so you have to make sure of what people like.

Older people (50+)
Older people will not know recent music as much as younger people do, so they wont want to buy a magazine full of people they dont know. Older people like music that was out when they was younger, artits like The Beatles and Rod Stewart. Men and Women do have different taste in music but there still both the same in listening to older artists. Of course this is just a sterotype and what most people do listen to, some older people do like to listen to more recent music but this is the majority and what most people do think. When older people do watch the TV or listen to the radio they listen to Radio 2 or watch programmes like Top Of The Pops 2.

After all this research on the target audience I have decided Im going to do my magazine based on people aged 16-25, this is because I know what this age group like, I am also this age myself so I know what to base it upon and what artists fit into it.


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