Tuesday 19 October 2010

Contents Page Analysis

The reason I am going to analise this contents page is because then I know what goes into a magazine, I will know most of the stories and this will give me a rough idea on what to put on the front.

This contents page is very similar to the front cover of the magazine, it has the same colour scheme running through, it also has relevant images too. Again the contents page is still very simple but very informative. it has a welcome brief at the side to welcome the audience into the magazine. There is also a section called regulars which draws in people who usually buy the magazine to see what the recent news articles are. There are only 2 main images, not too much fuss. There are also 2 cartoon images, the badge logo and the yellow bubble to make the piece of text stand out. There are page numbers with the stories beside them, this is very orginzed and helps the audience track thier way through the magazine. The images are also there to show other stories. There are also other logo's like the recycle logo, this shows its recyclable. There is also small print, this is so they dont have to put it on the front of the magazine which people will not want to read or see on the front.

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