Thursday 21 October 2010


I was asked to create a front cover for a college magazine. When I was assigned this I thought of a subject and the first one was textiles, so then I thought of fashion. So I decided to do a fashion college magazine. I would base the magazine on 16-19 year old female students and I thought of doing something simple but bold at the same time. Then I analyised 2 different college magazines using LIIAR, then I anaylised a fashion magazine, As I thought if im doing a fashion college magazine, I need to know what sort of images they use and what they put on there front covers too. Then I looked at what a college magazine has on it, by doing this I would know what to put on it myself. After that I anaylised a content page too, as I had to do a draft for my college magazine. Then I started to think of ideas, I thought about colours that worked well together, I looked up other fashion magazines to see what images they had on there magazine and college magazines to see what stories they had, then when it came to creating the magazine I knew I could mix both the ideas together to create a fashion college magazine. I then used photoshop to edit my photo's change the text and blend things so they stood out. If I had to improve or if i was to do this task again I would have changed the image, I would have took it in a different location and maybe changed the subject to just a general college magazine instead of a fashion college magazine.

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