Thursday 21 October 2010


Image 1 - The main reason for me not using this image is because there is no meaning to it. Its too simple and wouldnt realate to a perticular subject, E.G sport. Another reason is because of the facial expression, you would never normally see this pose on a front of a magazine. The background would have made it really easy to work with but the picture didnt stand out so I didnt use it.
Image 2 - The reason i didnt choose this image is because the background is too fussy, it would have made it hard to edit and the image doesnt really have a purpose or it doesnt really mean anyhing. There are also a lot of objects around the image of the girl, and on magazine covers, they tend to be simple and not have a lot of props or other images in the background or beside them.
Image 3 - I was going to use this image but I realized not too for many reason. One of them being that the image is dull and dark, it also has been taken at a side angle and the angle creates shadows. Another reason is again too much fuss around the background, it would have made it hard to write about certain subjects with them posters being in the background.

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